Welcome to my blog
After more than a year of reading friends' blogs and telling myself that I should launch my own, I have finally taken the leap.
By way of introduction, I am Susan Jacobs, a 27-year-old journalist living in Pittsburgh, PA. I grew up in Charleston, WV, and love my hometown and home state dearly. I go back to visit whenever I have a chance, and it helps that Pittsburgh is just a four hour car trip away from my family.
I am also an Orthodox Jew (a baalas teshuva -- been completely shomer Shabbos for nine years, but started becoming more observant after I declared at age nine that "I want to be Orthodox when I grow up."). If you know anything about West Virginia, you should know that it is not exactly a center of Jewish life in general, or Orthodoxy in particular. But Charleston is home to a wonderful community of about 1,000 Jews (out of 60,000 total population in the city), and it has been home to my family for more than 100 years. I am proud of both of my heritages (Jewish and West Virginian), but the combination of the two has sparked more than a little surprise and confusion on the part of big city Jews. In grad school, one of my professors had no problem understanding the Jewish part of me, but he just couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that I grew up in West Virginia. I relish being a contradiction in terms, and I expect at least a few entries on this blog will address this topic.
The most exciting news in my life of late is that after biding my time for two years as "marketing manager" for the Jewish Association on Aging, I am finally returning to the wonderful world of journalism. As of Sept. 20, I will be Associate Editor of The Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh. The current Web site is no great shakes, but I'll see what I can do about that. First and foremost, the paper needs more help with basic content and copy editing. It won't be a glamorous job, but it's newspaper work, which I love, and it's an opportunity to lend my talents to my community. Just one step in my meteoric rise to stardom. (Alright, it's a slow-moving meteor. Work with me here.)
Well, if you've read this far, then you also know by now that I'm long-winded. (Hey, everybody needs an editor, even so-called editors.) But before you go, allow me to explain why I chose the name "Draydel" for this blog. During Chanukah when I was 10 years old, two wonderful pets were adopted by my family -- an adorable Cocker spaniel puppy named Taffy, and a part-Siamese cat with deep blue eyes whom we named Draydel. We got both pets because my sister had been begging for years to have a dog, and since she was getting a dog, I said I wanted a cat. Taffy and Draydel were wonderful companions and they were with us for 14 and 15 years, respectively. They were the first and so far only pets I've ever had. Although I'm sad she's gone, Draydel's memory still makes me happy, and for that reason (and because other blog names I considered were already taken), this blog is named for her.
So ends the first post on the blog named Draydel. Keep checking back for more.
By way of introduction, I am Susan Jacobs, a 27-year-old journalist living in Pittsburgh, PA. I grew up in Charleston, WV, and love my hometown and home state dearly. I go back to visit whenever I have a chance, and it helps that Pittsburgh is just a four hour car trip away from my family.
I am also an Orthodox Jew (a baalas teshuva -- been completely shomer Shabbos for nine years, but started becoming more observant after I declared at age nine that "I want to be Orthodox when I grow up."). If you know anything about West Virginia, you should know that it is not exactly a center of Jewish life in general, or Orthodoxy in particular. But Charleston is home to a wonderful community of about 1,000 Jews (out of 60,000 total population in the city), and it has been home to my family for more than 100 years. I am proud of both of my heritages (Jewish and West Virginian), but the combination of the two has sparked more than a little surprise and confusion on the part of big city Jews. In grad school, one of my professors had no problem understanding the Jewish part of me, but he just couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that I grew up in West Virginia. I relish being a contradiction in terms, and I expect at least a few entries on this blog will address this topic.
The most exciting news in my life of late is that after biding my time for two years as "marketing manager" for the Jewish Association on Aging, I am finally returning to the wonderful world of journalism. As of Sept. 20, I will be Associate Editor of The Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh. The current Web site is no great shakes, but I'll see what I can do about that. First and foremost, the paper needs more help with basic content and copy editing. It won't be a glamorous job, but it's newspaper work, which I love, and it's an opportunity to lend my talents to my community. Just one step in my meteoric rise to stardom. (Alright, it's a slow-moving meteor. Work with me here.)
Well, if you've read this far, then you also know by now that I'm long-winded. (Hey, everybody needs an editor, even so-called editors.) But before you go, allow me to explain why I chose the name "Draydel" for this blog. During Chanukah when I was 10 years old, two wonderful pets were adopted by my family -- an adorable Cocker spaniel puppy named Taffy, and a part-Siamese cat with deep blue eyes whom we named Draydel. We got both pets because my sister had been begging for years to have a dog, and since she was getting a dog, I said I wanted a cat. Taffy and Draydel were wonderful companions and they were with us for 14 and 15 years, respectively. They were the first and so far only pets I've ever had. Although I'm sad she's gone, Draydel's memory still makes me happy, and for that reason (and because other blog names I considered were already taken), this blog is named for her.
So ends the first post on the blog named Draydel. Keep checking back for more.
At September 9, 2004 at 2:54 AM,
Sarah said…
Woo hoo! I'm the first to comment on your soon-to-be-famous blog!
Welcome to the blogosphere, Susan. It's great to have you here.
Chayyei Sarah
PS Love the pink motif!
At September 9, 2004 at 4:24 AM,
Noa said…
Welcome Susan. Always glad to have more Jews blogging...especially if they're *from* the 'burgh. Glad to hear about your promotion.
At September 9, 2004 at 9:12 AM,
Anshel's Wife said…
Hi, Susan. I found your blog by bloghopping. I was at Chayei Sarah (I think that's where I was) and clicked on you. I look forward to reading everything you have to say. I'd love to "talk" to you about being baal teshuvah. It's funny, I also decided to start my own blog yesterday, too. Good luck. Be well. L'shana tova.
At September 9, 2004 at 9:48 AM,
Esther Kustanowitz said…
Oh Susan. You've succumbed. So pleased to welcome you to the blogosphere. Looking forward to reading more from you!!
At September 9, 2004 at 10:17 AM,
Jack Steiner said…
Careful, blogging can be addictive. ;)
At September 9, 2004 at 2:18 PM,
Susan said…
Thanks everyone for the great comments. My first day in the blogosphere, and I'm already getting attention from the cool kids.:)
At September 9, 2004 at 3:04 PM,
Anshel's Wife said…
Thanks, Susan for coming to chez Yetta. I told my husband that I found you and we started on the same day and had the same template.
Do you have an email address? Can I email you?
At September 10, 2004 at 9:52 AM,
Anshel's Wife said…
I was just thinking about what Jack said. It's almost noon on Friday and I'm trying to get ready for Shabbos, but I just feel like I have to keep checking my regular blogs. When I'm at work I just take a little break and read a few to keep current with them, but I really am addicted. Half my friends have no idea what blogs are. Why am I wasting my time? Or am I? I guess this is a better thing to be addicted to than something else. Thank you all for helping me feed my vice.
At September 10, 2004 at 9:36 PM,
Stacey said…
Welcome to blogland, Susan! And maybe we could open up the "Jacobs sisters world domination" to be the "Freedman cousins world domination."
Your former Cleveland now Texan cousin,
Stacey :)
At September 11, 2004 at 11:40 PM,
Gilly said…
Welcome! Will look forward to dropping by. Wishing you a Shanna veChatima Tova.
At March 15, 2010 at 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
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